ERP and MES software for textile industries.

With Operational SGT, your industry transforms data into valuable information to ensure better decision-making.

The main textile industries trust Operacional

Discover our success stories

End-to-end industry.

From fiber to clothing, SGT is the complete and specialized solution for textile production control and efficiency, at every stage, so you can make the most of your company's full potential.
Ilustração que representa a fiação têxtil.
Plano de mistura inteligente: o SGT seleciona as fibras certas para cada tipo de fio, e da carda à maçaroqueira, o gestor tem à mão o controle total de produção, otimizando a programação, a qualidade e estoques.
Ilustração que representa tecelagem e malhara têxtil.
Produção mais eficiente, peça a peça, com fichas técnicas específicas e abastecimento correto de fios. Além disso, o SGT é a solução completa para preparação, engomagem, plana, jacquard, felpudos, tapetes, não tecidos, circular, ketten e raschel, meias e outras peças.
Ilustração que representa tinturaria têxtil.
O SGT monta automaticamente o carregamento das máquinas, com tecidos e lotes distintos de fio. Também calcula as receitas, corrigindo distorções de concentrações de insumos e substituições de contratipos. Além disso, controla a pesagem de corantes com máxima precisão e pode ser integrado aos principais sistemas de automação de tingimento.
Ilustração que representa estamparia têxtil.
Da criação do desenho e suas variantes, até o cálculo automático das receitas, o SGT controla pigmentos, pastas e sobras durante o processo produtivo. Atende especificamente e com eficiência os diversos tipos de estamparia, como rotativa e quadros, digital e sublimação.
Ilustração que representa confecção têxtil.
Execute facilmente com o SGT o gerenciamento de fluxos, fases, processos e operações, que fornece fichas completas e detalhamentos técnicos que orientam a correta operação no chão de fábrica. A variação de necessidades em tecidos e aviamentos, levando em conta o tempo, a quantidade e a qualidade ideal para abastecer as áreas de corte e costura, tanto própria como de terceiros, é um diferencial do Sistema de Gerenciamento Têxtil da Operacional.

The best return begins
with the right purchase.

Purchasing and receiving.
The quotation and purchase analysis functionality of the SGT assists in making decisions for the best purchase, considering several variables. It also checks the order upon receipt and allows automatic blocking so that qualification tests can be carried out and then released for production.
Block K and FCI are also supported by the application.

The right input,
for the correct cost.

Development, engineering, and costs.
With SGT, product development is complete. From the creation request, the design of the project, the execution schedule, the monitoring and validation of all phases, to the approval of the technical data sheet. Operacional support for product and process engineering is specific to each segment, and is intelligently structured to make the most of industrialization, in addition to automatically generating the management cost, standard or per product, and after production is completed, the actual cost.
Ilustração que representa o processo de qualidade têxtil.
Essencial no desenvolvimento de toda indústria, o controle de qualidade garante a perfeita condução da produção, a satisfação dos clientes e a credibilidade da empresa. O SGT gerencia a qualificação de matéria-prima, insumos e os processos de fabricação específicos para cada segmento industrial, incluindo o controle de qualidade para o produto acabado, de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pelos clientes.
Ilustração que representa os processos de laboratório têxtil.
Por ser uma solução especializada, o SGT atende de maneira específica os laboratórios a serviço dos diversos segmentos, sejam eles químicos, físicos, de processos ou águas. O desenvolvimento de cores, as receitas e os processos estão integrados com a automação de colorimetria e pipetadora, otimizando as atividades dos laboratórios.
Ilustração que representa tinturaria têxtil.
O SGT realiza as manutenções preventivas, por tempo ou produção, e também as corretivas, por parada de máquina ou solicitação, todas sincronizadas com a área de compras e com o planejamento da produção. O sistema controla os recursos de mão de obra, a geração dos roteiros de manutenção, o almoxarifado de peças, os custos, os históricos e as estatísticas de defeitos.

Automatable flows.

It allows the personalized creation of process flows, including tasks such as sending emails, WhatsApp, SQL execution, HTTP integrations, and others. Highly adaptable to needs, the flow can be triggered from a schedule, or through triggers in tables.

Finite capacity planning and programming, the best use of manufacturing resources.

The solution allows resource planning to be carried out considering finite production capacity in real time, with the intelligent sequencing of orders, Gantt, and production control.
The SGT also allows the management of third parties.

No-code dashboards.
Open to external data.

Resources that seek all the vital information from the various integrated operations, which are configured and presented in dashboards, for optimal business management.

Sales and operations planning tailored to the niche.

With Operacional solutions, you gain the agility to outline future objectives, goals, scenarios, predict facts, select actions, and perform financial results simulations. The information is based on the reality of the industry and is an important strategic tool for efficiency and better decision-making.

Complete management of
storage and movements.

Keep the storage organized, located, and qualified, with full control of the movements. The SGT offers agility and precision when moving inventories, including raw materials and inputs, products in process, intermediate products, and finished products.

Commercial operation
dynamic and precise.

Commercial, Order Fulfilment, Billing, and Shipping
A web and mobile sales solution, it is a direct interface with customers and representatives, and it even predicts the delivery date when entering the order. Billing is optimized on a daily basis, with the automatic suggestion of sorting orders. The solution provides reliable information, which guarantees the delivery of the right product, in the right quantity and quality, and within the expected time frame, improving the relationship with customers.

Significant reductions in delivery lead time

The SGT helps ensure deliveries within the contracted quantity, quality, and time frame.

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Answers to your questions.

Who hires Operacional solutions?

We serve textile and chemical industries that know that the best business results are achieved with each process carried out more efficiently. The industries that are with Operacional value continuous improvement.

How much does it cost to hire Operacional?

The price of Operacional's solutions depends on the complexity of each operation. That's not to say that the solution isn't standardized. We combine the best of client culture and expertise and the strategic intelligence of our consulting team specialized in the various production disciplines, and with the flexibility of our technology to adapt to the specific needs of each client's operation. The costs are calculated by the hours needed for the consulting, implementation, and customization processes. In addition to the service fees provided, there is a single amount for each simultaneous license - Assignment of Right to Use (CDU) - and a monthly amount - Monthly Unique License (LUM) - also charged for each active license.

Can I choose which modules I want to hire?

You can choose to start using Operacional's solutions in specific segments of the operation and then adopt other modules. All of them can be integrated, and some modules depend on others to work, and the more processes in the system, the greater the control and efficiency of the operation, directly impacting the results. It is worth remembering that Operacional solutions can be integrated with other management and automation systems.

Can I purchase a standard or basic version for my company?

We have standard systems, with native standards, and customization is configured according to each management project, according to the functional requirements and objectives of the company. For each area covered by the systems, these requirements range from basic to the highest level of complexity, and our technical team provides all the necessary support in identifying and fulfilling the necessary adjustments and updates. Companies that seek continuous improvement rely on Operacional flexibility to develop customized functionalities that solve specific challenges or that enable unique, tailor-made management processes.

Who can I talk to about pricing?

For more information about amounts or to obtain a personalized estimate based on your needs, click here or contact us by phone +55 47 3231-3100.