Your operation always better.

Constantly pursuing the path of improvement is more than a corporate mission, it's our product.

Operacional Dashboard,
indicators for the entire operation.

Technological resources that seek all the information from the various integrated operations for the optimal management of the business.

Operacional Smartflow,
take production to the next level.

Personalized creation of process flows, triggered from a schedule, or through triggers in tables.

Specialist software

ERP and MES solutions that allow the precise management of the transformation stages in the various production variants, and connect strategic areas such as purchasing, receiving, inventory, sales, invoicing and shipping.

Our business
is to create value.

Operacional goes far beyond software solutions. It provides specialized intelligence to the textile and chemical industries, and a commitment to always do the best for its customers.

Specialized consulting

Operacional computerizes all management processes in the industry. From diagnosis to operation under an official regime, the consultancy recommends and implements best practices and solutions appropriate to the specificities of industrial and digital transformations.
Get in touch with us

Answers to your questions.

Who hires Operacional solutions?

We serve textile and chemical industries that know that the best business results are achieved with each process carried out more efficiently. The industries that are with Operacional value continuous improvement.

How much does it cost to hire Operacional?

The price of Operacional's solutions depends on the complexity of each operation. That's not to say that the solution isn't standardized. We combine the best of client culture and expertise and the strategic intelligence of our consulting team specialized in the various production disciplines, and with the flexibility of our technology to adapt to the specific needs of each client's operation. The costs are calculated by the hours needed for the consulting, implementation, and customization processes. In addition to the service fees provided, there is a single amount for each simultaneous license - Assignment of Right to Use (CDU) - and a monthly amount - Monthly Unique License (LUM) - also charged for each active license.

Can I choose which modules I want to hire?

You can choose to start using Operacional's solutions in specific segments of the operation and then adopt other modules. All of them can be integrated, and some modules depend on others to work, and the more processes in the system, the greater the control and efficiency of the operation, directly impacting the results. It is worth remembering that Operacional solutions can be integrated with other management and automation systems.

Can I purchase a standard or basic version for my company?

We have standard systems, with native standards, and customization is configured according to each management project, according to the functional requirements and objectives of the company. For each area covered by the systems, these requirements range from basic to the highest level of complexity, and our technical team provides all the necessary support in identifying and fulfilling the necessary adjustments and updates. Companies that seek continuous improvement rely on Operacional flexibility to develop customized functionalities that solve specific challenges or that enable unique, tailor-made management processes.

Who can I talk to about pricing?

For more information about amounts or to obtain a personalized estimate based on your needs, click here or contact us by phone +55 47 3231-3100.